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Ladies Pamper Day

Calling all Ladies who like to eat drink and be pampered! Casa la Pedrera is opening it's grounds again on Thursday 23rd June 11.00a.m. until 4.00p.m. to any ladies who would like to enjoy a leisurely day out. Starting with a welcome glass of Cava or a refreshing cup of tea, ladies will be able to wander in the grounds, have a leisurely massage or beauty treatment, watch a few short demonstrations, possibly even Zumba! (participation strictly voluntary) enjoy a two course lunch with a glass of wine and by special request Susan will make the Mother in Law's secret recipe sherry trifle!! Husbands or lovers can drop their ladies off and return to collect and enjoy a leisurely cup of tea at 4.00p.m.

Book early as last year we were over subscribed... Tickets are €12 and profits from the day are for Paul Cunningham Nurses. A list of special prices for massage and other treatments available will be sent on request. Please email [email protected] or call or text to 639 318 526

Addition this year of 'relax in the jacuzzi' so if this or a leisurely swim appeals please bring your cozzies and towels!


Hi Ladies Those of you who have enquired tickets are going fast and those of you who have booked please let me know what treatments you would like to book. Many thanks Susan [email protected]

Commented karen in La Marina 2011-06-16 13:56:56 UTC

Ladies Pamper Day

Calling all Ladies who like to eat drink and be pampered! Casa la Pedrera is opening it's grounds again on Thursday 23rd June 11.00a.m. until 4.00p.m. to any ladies who would like to enjoy a leisurely day out. Starting with a welcome glass of Cava or a refreshing cup of tea, ladies will be able to wander in the grounds, have a leisurely massage or beauty treatment, watch a few short demonstrations, possibly even Zumba! (participation strictly voluntary) enjoy a two course lunch with a glass of wine and by special request Susan will make the Mother in Law's secret recipe sherry trifle!! Husbands or lovers can drop their ladies off and return to collect and enjoy a leisurely cup of tea at 4.00p.m.

Book early as last year we were over subscribed... Tickets are €12 and profits from the day are for Paul Cunningham Nurses. A list of special prices for massage and other treatments available will be sent on request. Please email [email protected] or call or text to 639 318 526

Addition this year of 'relax in the jacuzzi' so if this or a leisurely swim appeals please bring your cozzies and towels!


Hi Ladies Those of you who have enquired tickets are going fast and those of you who have booked please let me know what treatments you would like to book. Many thanks Susan [email protected]

Commented karen in La Marina 2011-06-16 13:56:36 UTC

Ladies Pamper Day

Calling all Ladies who like to eat drink and be pampered! Casa la Pedrera is opening it's grounds again on Thursday 23rd June 11.00a.m. until 4.00p.m. to any ladies who would like to enjoy a leisurely day out. Starting with a welcome glass of Cava or a refreshing cup of tea, ladies will be able to wander in the grounds, have a leisurely massage or beauty treatment, watch a few short demonstrations, possibly even Zumba! (participation strictly voluntary) enjoy a two course lunch with a glass of wine and by special request Susan will make the Mother in Law's secret recipe sherry trifle!! Husbands or lovers can drop their ladies off and return to collect and enjoy a leisurely cup of tea at 4.00p.m.

Book early as last year we were over subscribed... Tickets are €12 and profits from the day are for Paul Cunningham Nurses. A list of special prices for massage and other treatments available will be sent on request. Please email [email protected] or call or text to 639 318 526

Addition this year of 'relax in the jacuzzi' so if this or a leisurely swim appeals please bring your cozzies and towels!


Hi Ladies Those of you who have enquired tickets are going fast and those of you who have booked please let me know what treatments you would like to book. Many thanks Susan [email protected]

Commented karen in La Marina 2011-06-16 13:55:35 UTC

Ladies Pamper Day

Calling all Ladies who like to eat drink and be pampered! Casa la Pedrera is opening it's grounds again on Thursday 23rd June 11.00a.m. until 4.00p.m. to any ladies who would like to enjoy a leisurely day out. Starting with a welcome glass of Cava or a refreshing cup of tea, ladies will be able to wander in the grounds, have a leisurely massage or beauty treatment, watch a few short demonstrations, possibly even Zumba! (participation strictly voluntary) enjoy a two course lunch with a glass of wine and by special request Susan will make the Mother in Law's secret recipe sherry trifle!! Husbands or lovers can drop their ladies off and return to collect and enjoy a leisurely cup of tea at 4.00p.m.

Book early as last year we were over subscribed... Tickets are €12 and profits from the day are for Paul Cunningham Nurses. A list of special prices for massage and other treatments available will be sent on request. Please email [email protected] or call or text to 639 318 526

Addition this year of 'relax in the jacuzzi' so if this or a leisurely swim appeals please bring your cozzies and towels!


Hi Ladies Those of you who have enquired tickets are going fast and those of you who have booked please let me know what treatments you would like to book. Many thanks Susan [email protected]

Commented karen in La Marina 2011-06-16 13:55:08 UTC

Ladies Pamper Day

Calling all Ladies who like to eat drink and be pampered! Casa la Pedrera is opening it's grounds again on Thursday 23rd June 11.00a.m. until 4.00p.m. to any ladies who would like to enjoy a leisurely day out. Starting with a welcome glass of Cava or a refreshing cup of tea, ladies will be able to wander in the grounds, have a leisurely massage or beauty treatment, watch a few short demonstrations, possibly even Zumba! (participation strictly voluntary) enjoy a two course lunch with a glass of wine and by special request Susan will make the Mother in Law's secret recipe sherry trifle!! Husbands or lovers can drop their ladies off and return to collect and enjoy a leisurely cup of tea at 4.00p.m.

Book early as last year we were over subscribed... Tickets are €12 and profits from the day are for Paul Cunningham Nurses. A list of special prices for massage and other treatments available will be sent on request. Please email [email protected] or call or text to 639 318 526

Addition this year of 'relax in the jacuzzi' so if this or a leisurely swim appeals please bring your cozzies and towels!


Hi Ladies Those of you who have enquired tickets are going fast and those of you who have booked please let me know what treatments you would like to book. Many thanks Susan [email protected]

Commented karen in La Marina 2011-06-16 13:54:42 UTC

Happy Birthday Sasen Ryu Karate Academy

Sasen Ryu are celebrating our 4th birthday this week. Hope all the students are ready for a great lesson and some fun tonight!!


Petanca Doubles Competition

Rocajuna club de Petanca
We are holding a doubles competition at Rocajuna petanca grounds behind the Rocajuna bar & restaurant Las Barcas Punta Prima, on the 25 June 10 for 10:30 start.
Any combination of doubles men,women,or mixed.
If interested phone Jackie Lopez on 663144093

Music on the Urb

The first thing about this theme is that it is very complicated. We have spoken with the Policia Local and they inform me that, normally if the sound does not exceed 90 decibels outside, there is no problem about having live music. However,
If a resident complains and refuses to back down when presented with the fact that the sound does not exceed the 90 db limit, the police are obliged to ask the bars to turn the music down or off.
It is an offence to place speakers outside the premises if the noise level is excessive. Therefore a possible solution would be for the bars to monitor the sound levels themselves. Ensure that the doors are kept closed. Use sound deadening insulation on the sides of their premises that are closest to dwellings. And when asked by the Policia Local to turn the music down, to do so and not to pump it back up as soon as they leave the area.
On a brighter note, bars and pubs can apply in writing to the council to be allowed to open until 0230 am between the dates of June 17th and September 30th. Without the application, all bars must close by 0130am. There is no Charge for this. Please make sure you nominate the nights that you wish to remain open for the extra hour. We have asked that the Police try to accomodate the bars and restaurants, throughout the Summer Season

Hi Jeff
Thank you for all the effort you are putting in to this subject, but as you are finding out it is obviously a minefield. We are trying to read in to what you have said. By what you are saying it is practically illegal to have music outside. For artists to appear they need loud speakers and microphones. So does this mean that artists have to be closed in a room while they perform ?
We do not expect artists to perfom until 2.30 am. 12.30 is quite acceptable.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-06-16 09:26:57 UTC

If a resident complains and refuses to back down when presented with the fact that the sound does not exceed the 90 db limit, the police are obliged to ask the bars to turn the music down or off.
Ref your statement above- this is very contradicting. If the Law is that music can be played at 90 db, then nobody should have the right to make the Venue put the volume down any more or even tell the owners to close. That does not make sense at all. We would be governed by a very small minority and the odd trouble maker and it will drive people away from here. This must NOT happen !!

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-06-16 09:30:13 UTC

Thanks Ian for saving me time,and saying exactly what I would of written.It is obvious,both bar owners an customers want the doors open in hot weather for comfort and convenience of all..As for sound insulation being put on or in walls,most of these bars are rented,so the renters cannot afford the cost and the owners of the property couldnt reallly care.As for the ludicrous idea of bars being allowed to open until 2.30 am,what bar is going to stay open when the last customer will be going home by 11pm

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-06-16 11:06:57 UTC


Please do not forget it is Father´s Day this coming Sunday and if you have a Dad in the UK, today will probably be your last day to post a card to ensure he receives on time. If you miss the post you can always send him one via the internet.
I hope this reminder has helped you!


Hi Bev, thanks for that, Im still worried she wont get on the bus without me! I will have to wait and see what happens when it comes to it I suppose.

La Marina
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